Why are Summer Houses and Decking the Fastest Growing Home Improvements?

Why are Summer Houses and Decking the Fastest Growing Home Improvements?


Summer houses and decking have become the fastest-growing home improvements in recent years. More and more people are choosing to invest in these outdoor additions to their homes. The rise in popularity can be attributed to a variety of reasons, including the desire for additional living space, the need for outdoor entertainment options, and the desire to enhance the overall value of the property. In this article, we will delve deeper into the reasons behind the surge in popularity of summer houses and decking.

Top reasons for the popularlity of summer houses and decking are:

  1. Additional Living Space
  2. Outdoor Entertainment Options
  3. Enhancing Property Value



1. Summer Houses provide additional Living Space

The need for additional living space has become increasingly important in recent times. Homeowners are looking for ways to add extra rooms without the expense and hassle of moving. Summer houses provide an ideal solution, as they can be used for a variety of purposes, such as a garden office, guest room, or playroom. The multi-purpose use of summer houses makes them a practical investment for homeowners.

2. Outdoor Entertainment Options

Hosting family and friends is becoming more popular as people look for safe ways to socialise. Summer houses provide a perfect location for outdoor entertainment, such as barbecues and dinner parties.

Decking enhances the outdoor experience by providing a comfortable and functional area for relaxing and socializing. Outdoor entertainment options are an excellent investment for homeowners who love to host guests.

3. Enhancing Property Value

Summer houses and decking add aesthetic appeal to a property, making it more attractive to potential buyers.
Decking provides a functional and practical addition to the outdoor space, making it more appealing to potential buyers. The overall value of a property can be significantly increased by the addition of summer houses and decking.


Q. Can summer houses be used all year round? A. Yes, summer houses are designed to be used all year round. They are fully insulated and can be heated to provide a warm and comfortable living space.

Q. Is decking high maintenance? A. Our Composite Decking is practically maintenance free!

Q. Are summer houses expensive? A. The cost of a summer house varies depending on the size and design. However, they are generally an affordable investment compared to moving house and they will add to the value of your property.



In conclusion, summer houses and decking have become the fastest-growing home improvements for a variety of reasons. They provide additional living space, outdoor entertainment options, and enhance the overall value of a property. With the growing need for more space and the desire to spend time outdoors, it is no surprise that summer houses and decking have become so popular. Investing in these outdoor additions is a practical and cost-effective way to improve the overall quality of a home.

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